2 Quick hacks to kick off your week

Let’s start with Asana, Mk Reader?

I don’t know about you but sometimes seeing my task list in Asana can get to be too much. Especially if you’ve got A LOT of them.

Enter My Tasks.

It’s my go-to place to see alllll the tasks that are assigned to me.

But if we’ve got a bunch of active projects with all of the tasks assigned out, it can get overwhelming seeing my “to do” list.

One of the easiest things you can do is setup you My Tasks tab to work for you. Sure, you probably have it set to sort by due date and that’s about it.

But if you’re getting overwhelmed with seeing everything assigned to you, it’s time to add some filters.

On the My Tasks page, click “Filters” then click incomplete, then Due This Week, and Due Next Week.

This will now ONLY show you incomplete tasks due this or next week. Everything else is totally hidden. If your list this week is too much, you can just omit the Due Next Week filter.

Alrighty, now for a fun one I learned from a previous client and friend, Allea of Duett. This is probably my hands down favorite Google Drive hack ever.

If you store PDFs in Google Drive and send those links out for any reason (ie. Lead Magnet, Services Guide, Welcome Guide, etc.) then this is for you.

Google Drive has a sneaky little feature called “Manage Versions”.

This little feature allows you to update the version of your PDF WITHOUT breaking the links or uploading the PDF as a new link.

How it works:

  1. Find your PDF in Google Drive
  2. Right click the file
  3. Click on File Info > Manage Versions
  4. Upload your new version

The link will stay exactly the same as before, so anyone with that link will always have the most up-to-date PDF. AND you no longer have to go through every place you’ve linked that PDF and swap the link.

And if you’re ever concerned about losing a version or need to see them, you can follow those steps and see AND download the previous versions.

Pretty neat huh?

It’s literally a favorite of mine to do with clients now whenever we have to update our PDFs.

Anywho, those are some of my favorite little tricks/hacks whatever you want to call them for this week!

Over and out 🫡


Ps. I asked on Threads this week about email sign offs and that one ^ was one of my faves

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Liz of Lux & Vita

Hey I'm Liz, a website designer turned OBM (aka Online Business Manager). I manage the people, processes, and projects for your business. There’s nothing I loves more than helping creative entrepreneurs build a business that works for them, not the other way around. I creates simple, sustainable systems that give you the freedom to grow your business while bringing consistency, organization, and fun to the things that weigh you down. Even if you're not a "systems person."

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